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Old 03-11-2002, 08:17 AM   #12
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Gabriel
Because they are conservative, have a long history of interference with the internal matters of other states, bullying and more tempted to jump to religion-based moral discourse. (blatant and gratuitous use of word like "Evil").

Don't you love broad generalizations? I sure do. So do all those hook-nosed, fat-bellied Jews. And those camel-riding towel-head jihad-declaring sand niggers. And those bleeding heart Democrats. They all love broad generalizations too.

Hey, Republicans also have a nice long history of holding this nation together and ending slavery.

Oh, wait, that was just Lincoln that did that.

And what you're talking about hardly applies to all Republicans.

I'm a Republican. I'm hardly conservative - fuck banning books from school libraries. I think they should be there. Fuck the DMCA. Fuck the SSSCA (proposed by a <b>Democrat</b>, by the way). Fuck you, I want my freedoms, and like Charlton Heston, you can have 'em when you pry 'em from my cold dead hands.

More tempted to jump to religion-based moral discourse? Fuck God. Wanna know why I can say that? Because he doesn't exist to me.

My shirt's untucked, I'm not afraid to say that I like fucking and I think that Microsoft and the RIAA and the MPAA can go fuck themselves.

Yes, those totally conservative Republicans... they're almost as bad as those ignorant dirty Romanians.

Now, since we've gotten all of our broad generalizations out of the way, can we argue about the <b>man</b> and his <b>policies</b> instead of grasping at straws and attacking his political party?
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