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Old 08-18-2004, 03:37 PM   #44
stays crispy in milk
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: A strange planet called Utah
Posts: 270
Originally Posted by glatt
Just out of curiousity, how would they go about doing it? I can think of lots of ways to kill a hamster, but if minimizing pain is a goal, what method would you use?
Here is a link to directions for a small CO2 chamber used to put small animals down. I have used it a few times when I had a guinea pig get very sick or one get very old. It was used when nothing more could be done and I wanted to be able to comfort the animal as it passed. You can put your hand in the container and pet the animal while the CO2 mixes in. I am sure there are other methods but the CO2 is the only one I have used.

For the record the only reason I have used the above method is because my vet doesn't let me be with the animal while it passes. I don't know why, he just doesn't. I have had a few I wanted to be there for and a few that were just too sick to take back to the vet. My vet says its an approved method for putting them down and if I have the stomach to do it, I should go ahead.
I cant think of anything to put here so this is all I am going to write.

Last edited by Brigliadore; 08-18-2004 at 03:41 PM. Reason: added bottom paragraph
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