Thread: East or West?
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Old 08-13-2004, 12:12 PM   #4
Tomas Rueda
Master of the Domain
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Beaumont Tx 77701
Posts: 229
Philosophically, the West is defined as the place where energetic, goal-minded people go to. Back in the day, like back to anthropological times, people were guided by the sun. I would assume that there were a few people that wanted to reach the western edge of the sky (back then, they thought the Earth was flat, possibliy square in shape, and that the heavens could be reached if one traveled enough.) Anyway, They thought that the sun was made of gold, and so, such people chased after the sun for days.

Now, The East is defined as the direction to which intelligent, faithful people go towards. They reasoned that if the sun sets in the West, and that tomorrow it rises in the East, it would be much easier to go towards the East. And to me, Thus the eastern and western civilizations were born.

I do not know if that helps you, since that applies to back in the day, (besides, Geography does not follow that order). If it helps, I know that Freemasons do not put into account the East. They have symbols and other instruments applied to the North, West, and South. I have deciphered it out of a booklet of forms and rules of the Freemasons.

By the way, what religion do you follow? It might help on the search.

Last edited by Tomas Rueda; 08-13-2004 at 12:19 PM.
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