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Old 07-27-2004, 01:05 PM   #12
The White Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 233
Originally Posted by lumberjim
what's next? Forest Gump meets Rain man?
while this is funny, its also in some ways true and in someways false. its true that the idea of AVP is synonomous with FVJ. its false because what other movies have truely had this idea, besides FVJ? I mean there hasn't been any other two movies that have ran for a prolonged amount of time with a similar hero/villian period, let but also will become a movie. If you can name some, go for it. I'm not talking about similar movie ideas like Forrest Gump and Rain Man, I'm talking about like if they created another I, Robot and they pitted Terminator against the robot. Basically, while it may be just an excuse to continue the series, not many ideas are like it. I just hope, if not AVP, that one will turn out actually good.
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