Thread: Heart Health
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Old 07-25-2004, 01:32 PM   #2
The future is unwritten
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Please don’t think of it as a charge, but another angle.
When people get older the old injuries that healed years ago, come back to haunt us. Shit hurts that shouldn’t hurt, capabilities diminish and the future looks bleaker. Yeah, yeah, a change of regimen can help that. The key being help, delay but not eliminate.
You’ll also think about all the things on the “someday” or “’round to it” list and know that’s never going to happen. Anyway, the older you get, the more people in your social circle are experiencing difficulty, especially the ones that are 10 or more years older than you. I’m 59 and more than half my friends have died, and that my friend is depressing in itself.
You can also get to the point where everything you wanted, you have. Then you just want to live each day with nothing changing but your golf score.
My mother admonished “you better do it in your 50’s, because you won’t be able to do it in your 70’s”. I don’t think she was talking about sex either.
Ok, I'm rambling, but remember there is more than one point of view. At least until the gumint changes that too.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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