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Old 03-03-2002, 10:33 PM   #29
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ajshdfl;ja;lskf qahsgfjasdfla Dore Gold is a fucking cock.

tw - I agree with a lot of what you say, and I really do have sympathy for the Palestinian cause. I am damn tired of reading every day about how 15 more Palestinian police officers have been killed, or some fucking moron blew up a disco in Tel Aviv, killing 21 teenage Israelis. The problem is, the extremists in each side do not want to live with each other. They simply don't. Hamas opposes the Israeli state. We all know that Sharon wants to rid Palestine of the Palestinians. Is there a compromise? Maybe. Maybe not. Each side has to give.

The problem is, Palestinian extremists keep giving Israeli's extremists an excuse to fight. What possible justification could Sharon come up with if there were no suicide bombings? The Palestinian extremists need to understand that there is <b>no way</b> that Israel is going away. It's just not going to happen. Israel is there to stay. So now, the objective becomes: let's make peace. If Sharon wants 7 days of quiet, <b>give it to him!</b> He <b>can't</b> justify an assault if you don't provoke him. But what do Hamas and Islamic Jihad do? Blow up a bus. Shoot some settlers.

Israel would be under <b>tremendous</b> international pressure to revert to the 1967 borders <b>if</b> they were not being continually provoked. But they are.

It's a vicious circle. The Palestinians have the most to gain. They <b>have</b> to be the ones to stop it.
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