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Old 07-23-2004, 02:40 PM   #13
Colonist Extraordinaire
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: SW VA
Posts: 200
I don't understand what "decision" you mean.

As for the policy, I didn't write it. Like I said before, if that's the case, surely a better source than Anne Coulter could have been found for it, no? As I also said before, we have zero terrorist incidents as a result of the policy. You know the old adage that begins "if it ain't broke..."

When we become so freaked out over everyone who doesn't look and act exactly the way we do that people are crying on an airplane over the mere prescence of someone who fits their image of a terrorist, then yes, that's racism. Those Middle Eastern men were not the bad guys. They committed no crime. When people are scrutinized more closely for what they might do, even when there's zero evidence, because of the way they look, that's racism. "IF" won't work in this case. We don't arrest people or harass them because of things they haven't done yet. I might be statistically more likely to be able to buy crack from a young black man in the ghetto, but that doesn't mean we should arrest them all. Middle class white guys who act strange at work might be more likely to be serial killers, but that doesn't mean we get to detain them until we're sure they're not. Uneducated, poor single mothers might beat their children more often, but that doesn't mean they should be questioned by the grocery store cashier when they use their food stamps.

And no, I don't have everything figured out, not do I claim to. But I do know that when we start giving people grief for making some of us uncomfortable merely by being here, it's a short ride to holding people indefinitely without legal counsel and without charge, to having our private phone conversations tapped by the government, ad nausem. And that would be quite a leap of logic if it hadn't already started.
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