Thread: Wimmin'
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Old 07-21-2004, 12:08 PM   #12
Gone and done
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Originally Posted by Cyber Wolf
How did you go about doing that? I also have no plans to have no buns in my oven and if that kind of info helps with the job hunting process, I'd like to glean from it.
When they ask you what town you live in and about the commute, I say something like "I'd like to move to a town where the taxes are low, since we're not planning on having any kids and so I don't really care about the school district..."
Or something coversational about how my cat is a handful of trouble, I don't know how parents cope with kids...

Speaking of cats, anyone know a good way to keep a 16-week old kitten from jumping off a second-floor balcony over the dining room? I can't block off the whole area, since the older cat has her litterbox and food in the loft.

- Pie
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