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Old 07-21-2004, 08:12 AM   #11
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Posts: 4,081
If you really can't control it, I'd try to figure out what's at the root of it. But, if you only do it with family/people close to you - its sort of like walking around in your underwear - its a liberty you take with family that you would never do in public. In that sense, its slightly self-indulgent (I lose mine at home before I would outside as well so I'm including myself as well).

Its tempting to get psychoanalytical with questions like this and I'm no therapist or anything but now that I think about it if you are losing it with people you love then I wonder if there isn't some exposed nerve that only those that close to you can reach.

I don't have any suggestions for how not to lose control - they all involve control which, at that moment, you don't have. It has to be pre-emptive and that involves finding the nerve and dealing with it in advance. But I could be way off base. I would reflect a little on exactly how you felt right before you lost it. That might help guide some self-exploration.

If nothing else works, make a deal with everyone that you tend to lose it with. Either you leave the area (before you lose it) or you agree in advance to wash their car or something. Silly, I realize but if it works...
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