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Old 07-12-2004, 03:04 PM   #23
I am meaty
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Posts: 1,119
I waited a long time... I had several intentionally missed opportunities to do the deed sooner, but the culture around here in Utah, even among non-Mormons like myself, generally dictates that sex = long term commitment. Since I hadn't yet met a girl I was ready to commit myself to for the long haul, my bedpost remained notch-free. I was also a bit tethered by a near-crippling shyness in my younger days, which contributed to the delay.

In my early 20s I came out of my shell quite a bit, and shook off a lot of the culture-instilled predispositions. The change occured quite rapidly, and the first woman to encounter the New, Improved Hot Pastrami was a thirty-something Russian woman who hardly let me out of the bedroom for three months. She wasn't the last woman who used me for naught but bedroom antics, which made me feel used, so I gravitated back to the tendency to avoid sexual relations. That trend remained until I met my wife.

So, I had a brief swinger period, proceeded and followed by successful self-restraint.
Hot Pastrami!
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