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Old 07-09-2004, 05:35 AM   #53
Don't pop a vein
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: in my own mind
Posts: 289
Hi All - This is my dive into the cellar - Please be gentle with me

The three companions watched the undulations of the red head with varying degrees of interest. LJ smirked, whale penis grease dribbling from the corner of his mouth – Yeah I’d hit it, he thought. SM yawned and tugged at the lycra of his suit, suddenly noticing the snugness.

At the other end of the room, TS hunkered down low at one end of the bar – his elbows resting on the worn oak as he silently perused the evening’s gathering of diners. Not a bad crowd for a weeknight – he mused. A slightly acidic odor from the freshly grilled whale penis (the house specialty) hung heavily in the damp evening air.

He breathed deeply taking in the full sensory experience of the place. After all these years, he was still amazed by its popularity. It was hard to believe that something that had started out as a simple hobby – a diversion from his daily routine – had turned into such a fixture for so many. The place had practically become a haven for the politically disenfranchised.

Still there was something about it. There was a sort of “homey” feel. Well more like “under the home” – with the combination of smells, flying opinions and a few dark, unexplored corners he was reminded more of his cellar; a little scary maybe – but somehow fascinating and perpetually enticing.

It beckoned all to come in – sit down – have some WP (whale penis) and discuss whatever they wanted over a nice cup of coffee (except – for some odd reason there was NEVER any coffee)

He sighed and stood up straight – rubbing his broad hands over his face. The scent of her still lingered on his fingers. His mind flashed back to less than an hour ago. Legs entwined, flesh against flesh – the softness of her as she eagerly rose to accept him. He could still feel the intense pleasure of her mouth as she…

Abruptly, he was jerked back to the present. His toady senses told him something was suddenly, amazingly wrong. A dense black tension had settled in. He felt the presence of evil. Swinging his head sharply around – TS saw him – the stranger sitting quietly back in the corner. The dark man looked at him and offered a small, barely perceptible grin of recognition. TS tensed, his hands gripped into fists (His fingers instinctively touching the sharp razor blades he recently had embedded in his thumbs)

The evil one smiled broadly and stood – reaching for something under his long black coat. TS narrowed his eyes to slits, whispering “Game On”.
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