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Old 02-11-2002, 06:03 PM   #58
Punisher of Good Deeds
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 183
Originally posted by MaggieL

As for dham's sticking his finger in his ears and singing "la, la la, I can't hear you!", I think his browsing experience might be maximized by surfing to file:///dev/null, where he'll never read anything that bugs him, even if he does agree with it more often than not.
It's actually very funny to read his previous posting; not only does he completely ignore what I said (in order to resort to some more personal attacks), but he misattributes who he told to 'Fuck off'. I guess it's easy to forget who you've insulted and then added to your ignore list.

Really, it's the oldest trick in the troll book from the BBS/Usenet days: insult someone, then killfile them and tell everybody in a smug tone of voice how you have ignored them, and how you've seized the moral high ground.

Then there's of course the 'amusing' crack about having been abused by my father. The sheer stupidity of that comment aside, I guess he doesn't live in a country where <a href=",1597,224326-412,00.shtml"> lynch mobs</a> run through the streets murdering pedophiles.

His points were also entertaining in themselves: he will ignore you because he agrees with what you say yet finds you frustrating to argue with. Which is why he threw a profanity-laden fit over in the thread regarding drugs and alcohol.

It's just sad to see the mental maturity of a twelve-year old express itself in such aggression. Oh well. I guess there's always his 'weblog' where he posts about how pimped his many computers are, and how ordering pizza is great, and how he likes his ass to be clean. (no, really)

Luckily, he can't read any of this, though, otherwise I'd ask him why he again completely ignored the refutation of his points, just to go on about Maggie, and about how long my postings are.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. I guess he's the 'see no evil' monkey.


PS: I am actually sorry this degenerated into a flame. (and I'm addressing this specifically at Tony. I just get frustrated at snotty kids too easily, I guess.)
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