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Old 06-22-2004, 12:29 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2003
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Posts: 93
questions about "pagan"? religion/s

If pagan is a poor choice of words, please correct me.

full disclosure first: I'm in the process of reading The Da Vinci Code, and I am atheist. And in my opinion a reasonably well informed atheist.

I have no issues with faith, and in some ways I envy those who have it, I just pretend to possess faith.

Ok, now on to what I'm really wondering:

Are "pagan" and earth based synonomous? or closely related?

Do these religions have basis predating most "mainstream" religion?

Are any of these religions focused on balance? Yin and Yang if you will.

Is there a supreme being or beings? If so, is s/he/it a creator?

Reading this book is getting the religious juices flowing again. Thinking about faith, and moving away from "mainstream" ideas. I've always belived that the bible was a fabrication of man (chosen specifically), specifically men in power. And most things created by people in power are to concentrate and reinforce that power; not for the greater good.

I've got many more questions, but I've got to write them down, else I will forget when I sit down to type. As is usually the case.
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