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Old 06-18-2004, 07:39 AM   #13
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 3,338
I live near here and heard about this on the news.

Once again, the revenge motive rears it's ugly head.

An innocent animal is killed to avenge a human injury. Same thing happens with sharks. Even that bear in the hospital should NOT have been killed. A trank dart was the best method of dealing with him. Safer for the staff, patients, animal control and the bear too. They could have kept it sedated until animal control got there and took custody of the bear, which would have been released into the wild far away.

I'm by no means a PETA robot, but I do respect the sanctity of life in all species (except bugs). Rabies testing need not involve death to the subject. All you need to do is watch it for ten days to two weeks. If you don't see symptoms (they will be obvious to the trained eye), let the darn thing go!

Sorry for the rant but it's a hot button issue for me.

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