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Old 06-14-2004, 08:53 AM   #12
Syndrome of a Down
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: West Chester
Posts: 1,367
We are in agreement that Sony's approval process sucks donkey balls, and is responsible for a lot of quality games never getting a US release. I've always held the view that Sony routinely tanked 2D games early on because Saturn 2D > PSX 2D graphics-wise (as anyone who's played the Capcom fighters for Saturn will attest).

If Tobal 2 had come out over here, it would've been an absolute smash hit, though that was more Squaresoft's fault than Sony's.

One of these days, I'm going to break down and mod my PS2, or at least get a flip-top mod for it. If I could mod my PS2 so that it'd play PS1 backups, I could retire my old PS1 for good.

EB has its share of strange business practices -- I live a mile from their corporate HQ and frequent their clearance outlets, so I've seen it firsthand -- but their customer service is miles beyond the typical GameStop experience, so I'll stick with them as a general rule as chains go. (There are some GameStops that are decent -- look for ones that are busy, so that the clerks don't have time to deliver the Before I Ring This Up, Allow Me To Give You A Ten-Minute Dissertation On Our Used Game Buyer Program, And Would You Like A Cleaning Kit? prepared speech.)
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