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Old 06-10-2004, 09:42 PM   #21
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally posted by vsp
Quizno's is okay, as long as you keep two things in mind:
* They're allergic to substitutions on their sandwiches, and
* They're serving designer sandwiches, not Philly-style hoagies with oil and oregano and the usual toppings.
Well duh!

Here's the thread I was talking about on PhillyBlog.

A mom and pop joint will probably always have the best sandwich in the world (my personal fave is at a deli in St. Louis), but there ain't nothing wrong with a Quizno's sub...or Subway...or any chain restaurant.

As far as mayo and ketchup, it depends on the place. If I go to a place like Philip's or Steve's, I don't need either...just some hot sauce.

(That Quizno's hot sauce is mighty damned good!)
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