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Old 10-22-2020, 11:28 PM   #2
I hear them call the tide
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
man after you get used to flavored seltzers you realize you don't need all that chemical or all that sugar. i'm tellin ya, just do it for three weeks and you'll be good to go, your brain's expectations will be reset

I concur. ish. Unflavored for me. But then I don't like and soda/pop other than diet coke, and you can always add flavor of the moment to them. My favorite post-run refreshment (if it's too early for beer) is fresh OJ topped up with a plain seltzer. Tastes like Orangina works with any fruit juice and pretty sure you can extrapolate. ( Dr Pee, though ...bleugh )

But anyhoo, I'm a diet coke freak (before beer time) but if I ever feel that habit is getting a bit OTT, I just sub in a plain seltzer. I find it's easier to get used to something totally different but with some of the essential elements than to a poor substitute (and in this case better for you) I couldn't find any decent substitute for British pub bitter when I moved here, so I switched completely to American lager so I wouldn't be continually disappointed by it not being exactly what I was after. worked. mostly.
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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