Thread: VOTE!
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Old 10-11-2020, 11:48 AM   #10
Goon Squad Leader
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
So, in Texas, Governor Abbot recently declared that during this period of early voting, the number of drop boxes for ballots only (not mailboxes, secure containers for ballots only) would be limited to one per county. This represented a major reduction in ballot drop boxes for some counties, especially with dense population centers. The news this morning is that a judge has ruled that this order from the Governor “likely violates their fundamental right to vote,” and has suspended the Governor's order.

Because nothing says 'merican more than "See you in court."

So the state of Texas' appeal was successful. A three judge panel granted a stay of the lower court's order to stop restricting the number of ballot boxes to one per county. Republican Governor restricts access to voting; one judge, nominated by Obama issues an injunction overturning that order; a three judge panel, all nominated by Trump, issues a stay against the injunction, allowing the ballot box restrictions to remain in place.

This is likely a view into the future of how much and how long the impact of Trump's actions will be felt.

It seems obvious that in this case the Republicans want to suppress the vote and the Democrats want to expand the vote. This is one reason I am a proud Democrat.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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