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Old 10-05-2020, 08:13 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by richlevy View Post
UT is right in that some politics give the same satisfaction as religion. The switchover is made easier when a religious leader introduces the political leader, even with a qualifier. Trump being an obvious jerk makes it easier by setting a low bar.
What make that easiest? Who are always most easily indoctrinated by concepts that contradict their original religion. Adults who are still children. Adults who make decisions from their feelings. Adults to do not learn facts BEFORE making a decision.

"I am a conservative" or "I am a liberal" or "I am an evangelical". Therefore I know what is right. Classic examples of adults who only make decisions from what they feel only using their reptilian brain - just like a child. Adults who do not even know they are not thinking logically.

Trump should be the classic example of evil - to an evangelical. But evangelicals are some of the easiest sheep to brainwash. A high percentage of adults who do not know how to think like an adult. Who know only because they feel.

Same applies to far right and far left extremists - whose beliefs are based in the same emotions that inspire evangelicals. All classic examples of adults who are still children.
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