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Old 10-03-2020, 05:56 PM   #5
Diaphone Jim
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Northern California
Posts: 2,122
If the United States had a death toll from COVD-19 at the same rate as the rest of the world we would have about 50,000 deaths, 5% of the total.
Instead we have 200,000, 20% of the total.
There is one main reason that the extra 150,000 Americans have died this year and it is Donald Trump and his ignorance, arrogance, selfishness, greed and dishonesty.
I am afraid that given that fact, I cannot find it in my heart or mind to give a damn if he dies of the disease he has all but caused.
He does not deserve our hopes and prayers or our forgiveness.
He has pillaged and vandalized this country and made the world worse for all its people except for an extremely few.
He and his vile enablers will lie their way through his illness in the coming days and use it to benefit their campaign.
It is foolish to expect any decency from them.
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