Thread: Meanwhile in...
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Old 07-24-2020, 04:22 PM   #1
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 11,933
One cannot buy a flat washer even with a penny nickel or dime. Why do useless coins exist? A Congress with too many extremists - not moderates who can make intelligent decisions.

A dime once bought a Coke. Even a dollar bill is insufficient. A dime was what a $1 bill is today. Why do we still have paper $1 and $5 bills? So many extremists who so hate America by not thinking for themselves. Even threaten the Constitutional rights of others by not wearing a mask - because Trump said it is unnecessary. Conservative: he knows it must be true because Trump said so. We all need guns to protect what Trump says. A penny was good enough. So it will always be necessary.

We spend about $1 billion annually making ridiculous paper $1 bills. Directly traceable to extremists who supported Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. People who know because a Central Committee of the Party (ie Fox News) has ordered us what to think.

How hard is it to eliminate a penny? How hard is it to eliminate the paper $1 and $5 bills? Same logic also proved Saddam had WMDs. "I was told what to believe. So it must be true."| Let's attack China. That will solve everything. Propaganda said so. It must be true.

"I know because I am a conservative."

"Beam me up Scotti. There's no intelligent life down here any more." How curious. Even he is now in space.
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