Thread: Race in America
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Old 05-30-2020, 08:59 AM   #11
Read? I only know how to write.
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How emotional was he? His knee was in George Floyd's neck for almost nine minutes. Floyd had stopped displaying signs of life after about four minutes. Clearly was not a threat to anyone. Derek Chauvin's hand were even in his pockets. Floyd was never a threat. That was absolute (maximum) contempt for Floyd.

Contempt is obviously an example of the emotional brain making decisions. If his adult brain was in charge, he would have put Floyd in a police car eight minutes earlier - long after Floyd was fully handcuffed. Or he would have investigated why Floyd was not moving for so many minutes. All that is required by police training. But that requires one to be using the brain of an adult. To be thinking in a logical and responsible manner.

The brain of a child is not capable of thinking logically or responsible. That is where contempt, anger, hate, fear, prejudice, and stereotyping comes from. The job of an adult's brain is to control and restrain a child's brain. Only adults can learn police training. Only adults have mental abilities (the adult brain) to learn that stuff.

Others were also using emotions. Three other officers, if thinking like an adult, would have intervened. They clearly did not even try. That was not a adult acting in an adult manner. They also demonstrated contempt - an emotional decision - for a black man. If acting as an adult, police training would have intervened. But responsibility and logical thought only comes from an adult's brain.

We know from statistics and from police training that those four officers would not have done that had it been a white man. Floyd was not a threat to anyone - as Chauvin clearly demonstrates. He had so much emotional contempt for Floyd as to even leave his hands in his pockets.

Floyd was dead long before those nine minutes. That was not an accident. Or even manslaughter. That was murder directly traceable to emotional decisions (contempt, prejudice, stereotyping) by Chauvin and three peers. An adult who uses emotion to kill someone is, at minimum, second degree murder. If his contempt for Floyd can be proven that massive - that emotional, then that is 1st degree murder.

Four years earlier, a black man was stopped outside Minneapolis. An officer requested the passenger's license. Castile was not even driving. That black man reached for his wallet. Cop shot him five times. The officer later said a black man was reaching for something. Of course he was - his wallet. He even said so. An emotional officer knew it was a gun and shot him ... five times. That is not a decision based only in emotions? Of course it is. That is an adult acting like a child.

Those who do not learn what an adult is required to do also love Trump. He openly encourages emotional behavior. The emotional love it when Trump lies daily. Promotes hate. Stereotypes others. Constantly demonstrates prejudiced and insults them. Many adults do not act as adults. They entertain their emotions. A "Me-Me-Me-Me" attitude that even wants to 'wreck shit'.

A child only understands the world in terms of "Me-Me-Me". He does not yet have an adult's brain. So childish as to even believe their rights are more important than their responsibilities.

Only the brain of an adult understands things such as responsibility.
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