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Old 05-18-2020, 03:21 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
Why before the 20th March?
My contention is that he was taking this seriously before he got ill with Covid-19.
Where is one fact that supports that hypothesis? He completely ignored the threat until it was too late - 20 March.

Best you can do is speculate he was not symptomatic when he finally acknowledged a threat. So how many days was that? He was tested on 27 March because felt sick for days. Never ignore numbers. So he was probably sick on 20 March. One is typically sick for about a week days before symptoms appear.

Irrelevant that he was sick on 27 March. He refused to acknowledge reality until, at the same time or earlier, even he got sick. And even on 25 March, he acknowledgement was tepid at best. Which explains so many dead Brits.

He intentionally ignored the crisis resulting in some of some of the world's highest death rates. When is that a responsible leader? He remains in denial (just like Putin). High death rates directly traceable to an extremist PM - who could not bother for months to acknowledge reality (as that list also demonstrates).

He refuse to go to COBRA meetings, that were created to address a major crisis, until 6 weeks later. That is Johnson working for Britain? Or Johnson working only for himself? Obviously he was ignoring it. Facts (and that list) say so.

He was even shaking hands when it was obvious that a medical crisis existed. He was still in denial even when he tepidly said a virus might be coming.

Where in that list is one fact that says was acting responsible before ...? I keep demanding a fact. None posted because none exists.

Irrelevant is what others in the Queen's government were doing. He was in denial like an extremist - an adult who uses emotions to make decisions. Same emotions that promoted Brexit.

Lower level government officials saw what was glaringly obvious before 1 March. COBRA meeting started in February because the threat was that obvious, dangerous, and coming. Boris Johnson intentionally ignored them. He could not be bothered to learn facts - until those facts made him deadly sick for six weeks.

Those damn numbers.

From the BBC - incoming Chinese students openly complaining because nobody could be found in the airport to take their temperature. That is Johnson taking this pandemic seriously?

Would Jeremy Corbyn have done better? Again, where are facts that can answer that? Based upon his history, I doubt it.

How about Theresa May? Again, another British leader who could not demonstrate leadership. Britain once had great leaders.

Well George Jr massacred 5000 American servicemen for no purpose. Which leader was less responsible?

Oh those damning facts and numbers.
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