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Old 04-29-2020, 03:45 AM   #617
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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I struggled to understand the appeal of Bush to voters, back in the day, but I could, if I tilted my head a little and squinted a bit, kind of see what they were seeing.

I look at Trump, and I really, really struggle to see what it is that his followers like. It is beyond baffling. Every other sentence he utters is a bare faced lie, often contradicting the previous barefaced lie he just delivered with a straight face. Not like a lie another politician might speak, which has some kind of credibility and needs to be uncovered - just a straight to the camera, bald as you like, absolute lie that sits glowing in the sun for all to see.

He shows zero leadership - he can't muster the slightest hint of the statesman, General, or public servant even when handed the perfect opportunity to do so. He accepts zero responsibility for anything, openly casts blame on his underlings and throws his friends under the bus without a second's hesitation.

Faced with a death toll in the tens of thousands, he projects partisan triumphalism and crows about how well he is doing while showing zero empathy for those lost or bereaved.

All the while stirring up civil discontent and protest over lockdown restrictions.

How is he both the head of the government and the rallying call against government all at the same time?

I can only assume at this stage that for most of his still loyal supporters this is the sunk cost fallacy in action.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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