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Old 03-21-2020, 06:46 AM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Blood donations are way down and it’s becoming a problem.

On Tuesday, I got an email from the local blood donor services director, because I am coordinating a blood drive in early May at my church.

It was sent to all blood drive hosts and was a plea to not cancel any more drives. He reported that 50 drives had been cancelled that week to the tune of about 900 units of blood not being collected locally. He didn’t explain why, but I assumed businesses that were closing were just canceling all scheduled events, including blood drives they planned onsite.

So if you want to help during this crisis, and feel brave enough to get out there, I’m certain there is a drive going on near you this weekend and they could use your blood. Do a google search with your location. The Red Cross probably has some.

Around here, in response to Covid, they do the health screening of donors when you show up to weed out anyone with a fever before they sign in.

Covid19 patients don’t need blood, but the people who are sick enough to need blood are still out there.
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