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Old 02-18-2020, 09:27 AM   #6
henry quirk
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"trashing the military for his stupid wall"

How much did my employee divert? How badly did soldiers get stung?


"making toddler gulags an actual thing"

When exactly did cagin' illegal aliens start?


"installing lobbyists as the heads of their opposing agencies"

Surely, my employee is not the first to scratch backs?


"ripping up our alliances"

Takin' care of nations that can fend for themselves isn't 'alliance', it's 'babysitting'.


"trashing the cattle industry by backing out of the TPP"

Don't know nuthin' about the cattle industry. Me, I favor individual contract and treaty (individual to individual) not blanket affairs.


"using the government as his personal cash cow"

My employee is raidin' the coffers? I want his orange head on a stick! Help a brother out and lay some specifics on me.
like the other guy sez: 'not really back, blah-blah-blah...'
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