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Old 02-05-2002, 09:33 AM   #19
kaleidoscopic ziggurat
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 90
Originally posted by MaggieL
The thing with the arrows at the bottom of the window is a scroll bar. Use it.
just last week on another msg board i frequent some guy had a bit of fun while the admin was away by posting a thread with a title so long that it stretched out the screen... this resulted in a flurry of insults, degrading comments, rejection from friends, invasion of privacy [someone kept threatening to look him up in the gov't, then posted people's addresses when they attacked him] and eventually even DEATH THREATS.

all over a scroll bar.

i mean, ya... people need to get some damn perspective before they get SO DAMN MAD over such a minor thing. this is like a minor repeat of the lame crap that went down last week. seriously... this isn't television.
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