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Old 06-06-2004, 02:09 PM   #110
Junior Master Dwellar
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Originally posted by jaguar
You know, for an allmighty type of guy, that was pretty damn dumb. God knows (literally) what the first bible(s) said but I'm willing to bet that more than half has had at least one mistranslation over the generations that caused it to be inaccurate.

Same problem really with the made in god's image, god must use a really shitty photocopier because we've got as many bugs as windows XP.
Well, alot of people thought that, until they found the dead sea scrolls in like...1947, which were copies of the bible as of about 600AD, IIRC...and comparing them to the current translations yeilds the same document. That seems to be to be a pretty good track record.

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