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Old 01-24-2020, 01:43 AM   #2060
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Two kinds of asphalt paving, blacktop which is the asphalt mixed with the aggregate like cookie dough. That's dumped into a paving machine that spreads it out hot and smooth. Actually more than two when you start looking at all the different mixes, but two basic styles.

In the sticks all we ever saw was what they called oil & stone. They would sweep any loose crap off the road and spray hot liquid asphalt on it. next they would coat the road with pea stone which settled into the asphalt as it cooled. For awhile driving on the shit would sound like Buddy Rich beating on the bottom of your car. Eventually the stone would get locked down, well most of it, then what was still loose would get tossed by vehicles or washed by rain, off the side. In hot weather if the road got sticky someplace like by your mailbox or some place the kids walked you could sometimes retrieve that surplus pea stone back on to the sticky spots. The oil & stone way covers the road pretty evenly so bumps and dips remain, unlike the blacktop which is smooth.
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