Thread: Patriotisms
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Old 02-04-2002, 11:19 PM   #7
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: So Cal.
Posts: 257
You've got the right idea

For all you who don't read the news:

Rove, Bush & Co. want to give the Dems no room to wiggle. He figures that sending a flag-bound budgt proposal will make any dissent seem unpatriotic, which is obviously death in today's political climate. The problem for the Dems is that they only way the mid-election rule (the president's party loses seats in Congress because people get upset about his win and whatever promises he hasn't kept) is if they can point out the domestic issues that are getting the axe in favor of anti-terrorist ones. Yet they have to do this while still showing support for this highly popular war (unless you're from Berkeley). This move, as tacky as it looks, is just another symbol for the Dems to try to talk around.
blippety blah bluh blah blah
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