Thread: Iran
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Old 01-07-2020, 06:44 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Luce View Post
Another expectation was that our army would be met by grateful, American flag-waving Iraqis, back in the day.
That was quite possible and, at first, did happen. Concepts of war were well defined 2000 years before Columbus. Due to the intelligence level of senior American officials, we violated those rules - repeatedly.

In the movie "Patton", he says that if phones, electricity, wat3er, schools, etc are not restored in Germany in 6 months, then America would be defeated in Germany. Yes, that well understood that long ago.

So what did America do in Iraq? First indication of mental midgets making decisions was apparent on your TV within days after Baghdad fell. Looters stealing artifacts from the museum with American soldiers simply standing there watching. (And some here even denying it.) Soldiers had no "After action orders". So they could do nothing. All hell started. A major violation implemented back in Washington by the uneducated (extremists).

They sent Paul Bremer. He issued two orders - CPA 1 and 2. First all educated people (doctors, engineers, government administrators, teachers) must be fired for being a member of the Bath party. Second, he disbanded the army. Both examples of stupidity. Both example of decisions made only from emotions. To this day, Bremer denies what he stupidity created.

What happened is what is suppose to happen. Iraq's best educated people had no jobs and no income. So of course they attacked their enemy - Americans. By month seven, a five mile road from Baghdad to the airport was so dangerous that no American could drive on it. Americans simply did what was obviously dumb even over 2000 years ago.

It was so dangerous that even Bremer had to sneak out of Baghdad to go home.

America so messed things up that Iraq, could not even produce the amount of electricity that was routine during Saddam's time. Even with big new GE generators.

Why did both Japan and Germany becomes some of America's greatest allies? We did not obstruct those nations from rebuilding themselves. We both encouraged and assisted, where ever possible, those nation's restoration. In short, we did "nation building". Only wackos in Washington never understood why that is necessary or how to do it.

Why do wackos still not understand it. It cannot be explained in a tweet. Reality is more difficult. It must include the reasons (and history) why.

It is called Phase Four planning. The most critical part of a military victory occurs in six months after a surrender. Ask about. Notice so many peers who do not know that. Who did not learn the lessons of history. Under Cheney, we converted Iraqis from the gracious liberated into angry civil warriors.

A disaster in Tikrit is simply one example of what happens when leaders are dumb, emotional, and uneducated. 5000 America servicemen killed uselessly because people in Washington were mental midgets.
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