Thread: Iran
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Old 01-06-2020, 06:23 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Luce View Post
Turns out the reason Iraq is so damned angry, is that dude had been invited there to discuss a de-escalation proposal proposed by the Saudis, ...
Soleimani was just the man that an informed America would have been engaging, recruiting, and enlisting in America's Middle East strategies. He has long been a moderate, pragmatic, and an extraordinary talented solver of problems. His strategies were, as commander of Iranian, Syrians, and Iraqi forces, legendary. Unlike so many extremists, he was an earliest and strong supporter of Kurds. But moreso, he had on many occasions approached US diplomats with solutions to ease and diminish the American/Iranian conflicts.

Most noteworthy was his rabid American support and advise on how to take out the Taliban after 11 September. Only (as so many ignorant Americans have done) to be undermined by a mental midget president's "Axis of Evil" speech. Which all but declared war on a nation that so desperately wanted to help America take out the Taliban.

Soleimani was highly respected in most every Arab nation. He could both unite people and lead them in a manner that few others could. He even was a strong and open supporter of respect for democracy and street supporters who demanded their freedoms from Iranian religious clerics. He clearly was a moderate. He should have been target #1 for American diplomats to recruit as a powerful ally.

But we have a president whose penis makes kneejerk decisions. Since he can openly murder someone on Fifth Ave and still get elected. That points to the source of our problems.

America simply created what is to Iran their 11 September. We can expect and probably deserve resulting violent attacks. Respect for America in the Middle East has clearly and severely been diminished. We will suffer due to the idiot's ego.

How stupid? Trump officials said we had averted attacks on America and have made Americans safer. A brainwashed extremist would believe that. Meanwhile these same extremists have told all Americans to get out as fast as possible - even on ground transportation if necessary. Because it was never more dangerous. What did they do? When only preaching to extremists supporters, then those obvious contradictions get ignored.

Clearly an egotist president never once considered long term adversarial effects he will create. He has again presented Putin with more victories in the region. And worse, both his actions and words say he only wants war. He has done everything he can to praise entrenched despots. While constantly demeaning and debasing democracies and America's closest allies.

As a nation, we can expect and probably deserve what will result. We can even expect Iraq to throw us out. Since they must now choose between Iran and America. And apparently have done so.

Expect Pakistan to hold US forces hostage for even more expensive concessions because The Donald has now harmed America's relationships with every relevant nation in that region.

He openly endorsed ethnic cleansing of the Kurds. He has turned public opinion of America in that Nato nation from moderately popular to complete contempt. Even Lebanon is becoming a disaster that may now easily turn against America. Russia has completely replaced America as the region's power broker. How many more surrenders, diplomatic suicides, and political disasters have been created by so many American voters were so dumb as to vote for this idiot.

Murder of a senior government official is never war on terrorism. That is Trump lying again - as usual. That murder was an outright attack on another nation. Those who remember the so many lessons from history remember Archduke Franz Ferdinand. No honest or decent nation unilaterally murders government officials from another nation. Since that means war. And wacko extremists love war.

World nations are becoming more friendly with American adversaries only because of this and other dumb, big penis inspired mistakes. Even the Kurds have learned the hard way (and now again) that America is no longer a trusted ally.
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