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Old 10-19-2019, 08:45 AM   #32
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
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The Don wants to invite Putin to the G-7. All others forced Russia out due to so many corrupt and despicable activities such as the invasion of Ukraine. No problem. This scumbag president even tried to sell Ukraine to the Russians. Endorses Russia providing Kim the missile technology to attack S Korean and Japanese cities. Even ordered the Ukrainian president to such up to his good friend Putin. And has made Russia the strongest power broker in the Middle East.

Turkey was once a strongest American ally. 90% of Turks had highest praise for America. George Jr massively hurt that approval. The scumbag has now ordered American troops to surrender. So Erdoğan will visit the world's leader. He will visit Putin next week. He knows who has intelligent leaders.

Why does the Don want the G-7 in his resort? Well, he promised to remove himself from all those properties if elected president. He lied (of course because that make one popular with extremists). That Trump Doral resort (typical of a Trump run corporation) is having financial problems. No problem. He will force the government to increase his business and profits. Since according to The Don (who is only loved by wacko extremist and the most corrupt), that is completely acceptable and ethical behavior (it never was - but wacko extremists now define this new America in their own image).

White House said they reviewed all resorts. Claim only Trump Doral has facilities necessary to support a G-7 meeting - which will become a G-8 so that Trump can welcome Putin to thank him for helping the mafioso boss get elected and then reelected.

Extremist are obvious in this thread They don't criticize a president who has clearly made Nixon into "not a crook".

The scumbag may try to edit this using a sharpie.
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