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Old 02-04-2002, 09:31 AM   #12
Posts: n/a
You don't think the facts could be emotionally loaded?

The war on drugs isn't *all* just a bunch of shit, you know. There are legitimate reasons to not want your citizens consuming certain substances, such as concern for their wellbeing and the fact that some cannot control themselves when under the influence of certain substances, thus putting others in harm's way. All that having been said, you and I both know that if the war on drugs were stopped and a couple of companies were selling drugs at lower prices (they would have to compete with the druglords, you know), the government could tax those sales (by a lot) and put that money toward something useful, such as buying me a new computer (heh). Not only that, but money would be saved from this war on drugs, and that money could go toward detox centers (for those that want to kick the habit), needle exchange programs, etc. This *can* be spun so that it will have an emotional edge, but people will *still* think about it logically and realize that it is a good solution to the current problem.

As for the public's emotional bias against these drugs - that has ALL been woven by the government. Imagine if they came out and said "look, we fucked up, there are some that are definitely *not good* for you, but fighting this is foolish, and we're losing big time. So here's what we're gonna do..." - imagine licensing for pot smokers, etc. (Yes, Hubris, I *am* talking stuff like heroin - what good does it do to make it illegal?) You can get a license at any age, provided you demonstrate that you're emotionally equipped to deal with it and you understand the decision you're making. After that, you can walk down to the corner CVS, flash your pot license and buy an ounce. If it interferes too much in your life and you're under 18, your parents could put in to have it repossessed (but they would have to demonstrate why they want it revoked, of course), and then you can get it back when you're able to demonstrate that you're oh, say, not flunking out of school anymore. I don't have time to type up everything about how I think we should proceed from here, but I think you're getting the idea.

Now, I happen to know that Tony stands for the legalization of at least *something*. I don't know if he uses, and I don't care. I don't either, and you don't need to be a pothead to understand that the war on drugs is, quite honestly, one of the stupidest things the US government has ever embarked on. What matters is that he sees the problem.

All I was saying is that if you want to convince someone of a point, I think you're going to need to reason it out a little more than he did. I'm not sure I know anyone older than 12 that's going to be swayed by that logic. It's a good point, but all it does is reinforce what most of us already know.

The best way to stop the "illegal drug profits" is to end the war on drugs.

Who's got $4 million to help me buy a 1 minute spot for next year's superbowl?
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