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Old 10-02-2019, 06:13 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
I was forced out of work, they offered me money to stay home.
Expected as the Don's economic policies slowly undermine responsible economic tends instituted by Obama.

It took five years for Obama just to undo economic disasters by created by George Jr (actually Republicans who openly say deficit don't matter. An exact quote. and why we spent $3 trillion just in Iraq. And massacred 5000 American servicemen for no purpose. Dejavue Nam.).

We are still in a Obama economy. Things that make profits today were instituted four and ten years ago. But we are now seeing job losses in sectors that Trump is protecting.

Again, American Keg (its president) foolishly believed Trump's Steel tariffs would be good. Months later, he had to fire one third of his employees due to a massive loss of sales.

US Steel, a Trump protected industry, recently laid off 800 workers and closed two blast furnaces. One in IN was their largest. Again, bean counters and a communist (one whose only purpose is to advance himself) explains why jobs were and will continue to be lost.

Why? Trump supporters (wacko extremists) want to wreck shit. And say so openly here.

The Economist magazine made it obvious this week. Publication based in facts (not the emotions of a child) show a picture of people only an extremist would love. Twitterdum amd Twaddledee. People only elected because they lie so much: Donald Trump and Boris Johnson. Lies inspire extremists (adults who are emotional and are therefore still think like children).

Extremists need not be honest. They are preaching to the many who cannot bother to learn how the world really works. They so hate themselves as to even listen to what Fox News orders then to think. (Fox News openly said those people in the New Orleans Superdome and Convention Center were not denied food for three days.) Better is to be told how to think rather than burn too many calories thinking for one's self.

This recession apparently started in January. Job losses may happen today. But serious job losses are expected in four years if concepts promoted by wacko extremists are not reversed.

Stock market crashed in 1929 because economics said the economy was self destructing. Therefore jobs were lost mostly in 1933. We all are suppose to learn from history - not from Fox News and our resident wacko extremists.
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