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Old 06-03-2004, 07:59 PM   #5
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Re: Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Blocked

Originally posted by Lady Sidhe
Interesting that if someone causes a woman to involuntarily lose her child, it's a crime, but if she chooses to kill her baby, it's ok. It's either murder or it isn't. The fetus either has rights under the law or it doesn't.
Well, in some societies, as the husband and father, both the baby and its mother belong to me, so I would be the injured party.

In the 20th century in the US, it was illegal to give advice on contraception since by doing so you would deny a child the chance to be born.

In the 21st century in the US, a woman was charge with murder for refusing to volunteer to have her body sliced open to make it safer for her babies to be born.

At some point you have to decide who's calling the shots and whether people have control over their own bodies.
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