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Old 05-30-2019, 06:44 AM   #78
Encroaching on your decrees
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: An island within the south-west coast of Scotland
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Those forums are fucking poison. Every single one of them posting advice and expertise, holds a little piece of the blame for this. /

Blame. Not sure how I feel about blame. I don't feel any. I am sure I did everything I could do with the cards I was dealt. I loved her and I treated her gently. Never raised my voice since she was 10. I don't blame Shelby. Not even a little.

Those people on that forum are accruing some scary karma, but I can't blame Them. They don't care about the people that use their sick fucking recipe. I'm going to hate that word from now on, by the way. Recipe.

Ripley had 18 years to learn to know better than to do that. I'm disappointed. I disagree with her decision. But I didn't get a vote. If anyone gets the blame, it's her. What the fuck do I know though. Who cares about blame? Doesn't change anything. It's just that there is information available for everything, and some things are really bad. She made the decision with a brain that I don't have, and therefore can't think with, so I'll never know the motive.

But even if I did. If I had a note she left with the reasons. ...




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Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of
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