Thread: Uber
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Old 05-12-2019, 12:44 AM   #11
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
I like using Uber even though it’s never cheap and the driver doesn’t always understand my directions.

My first Uber ride was in Feb 2016 and I’ve been using it pretty regularly while in the US. Most of my trips are 5 miles or less and cost $7-10.

The longest trip was Tampa to Tallahassee during that storm in 2017. Irma. The fare was $236 and the mileage was 234. Duration was 7hr 15min.

All flights out of Florida were over $1500 if you could book one. Uber took me out of the path of the storm, caught a bus to Atlanta and everything was fine.

It’s not cheap but it’s been very useful.

Uber gives me options if the weather is not great for biking and when carrying things on the bike is not practical.

Getting a drop off at a congested store is a great option in areas where parking space combat is a regular occurrence. Some areas are more likely than others that parking space conflict escalates to the cops arriving, as you would expect. It’s a mixed bag. The details are not relevant when an event shows up on your police record. Uber takes that possibility completely out.

Parking and securing a car is a non issue. At the cheap rented dump where I stay or anywhere else. Push the button, a car arrives. Easy.

My interaction with law enforcement was consistent when I was driving because I’m always in a new place. With out of state plates, stickers, etc. Cops see this an opportunity to persuade you to convert all the registrations to their jurisdiction. I am a contract employee. There could be a much better paying job for me in another state tomorrow. Or the current contract could end without notice. That’s the world that I thrive in but changing over to your state, sir? Only to pay for it again with the next contract? Not going to happen. Sorry. Uber bypasses all this horse crap. My interaction with law enforcement is zero. Right where I like it.

There are things that you can do to help your Uber driver too. The service is valuable to me so if there’s something I can do to make things smoother then I’ll probably do it. A tip helps as you might expect. Those brass colored dollar coins work great. Sacagawea coins. They aren’t commonly used and are a bit of a novelty to tip with.

This is my UBER rider identification light. Day or night it helps the driver find me to pick me up. It’s cheap and effective.

In the comment section for driver messages add “guy with the flashing red led bike light.” If the driver knows English, it’s easy.
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