Thread: Mueller Report
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Old 04-20-2019, 01:17 PM   #4
henry quirk
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don't believe everything you read or hear

"Well that was based on the US House Intelligence that released a couple thousand ads that did actually run."

I get that. What I'm sayin', essentially, is just cuz it comes to you by way of FB don't mean it's true. Yeah, you ought to question any- and every-thing comin' to you from government, but I was talkin' about not takin' at face value all that propaganda/advertising on FB or twitter or wikipedia or, well, from any place (or one).

The 12 year old is still wrappin' his head around the idea that the shiny interesting thing he just saw on tv probably isn't as shiny or fun as the commercial makes it out to be. On one level he gets that someone is tryin' to sell him sumthin', but on another, trusting, level he thinks 'they wouldn't lie/mislead me!'.

I think a lot of folks do this: they wisely get that propaganda exists, but foolishly believe the source they favor isn't a propaganda dump.

Me: it's all default: you're a lyin' sack till I verfy otherwise. Nuthin' wrong with bein' a lyin' sack, by the way, if you're lyin' ways benefit me.
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