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Old 05-29-2004, 10:24 PM   #3
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Of course Gen Miller was directly involved. That was so well known 20 days ago that I posted same back then
posted in Image Control
UT - again first follow the facts. You listened to the Rumsfeld interview. Don't ignore what you don't like to hear. Major General Miller, whose job was to torture and abuse prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, was sent to *coordinate* the investigations in Iraq. What happened in Abu Ghraib is directly traceable to Guantanamo Bay. Therein lies a direct connecction - Major General Miller.
The only question is how many in the Executive Branch ordered it and knew it was ongoing. Not IF. There is no IF here. Who order it and how many White House principles always knew about it. Possible there is a presidential finding ordering same because of what qualifies as ethics in this George Jr administration. They would justify anything by war - even though we never declared war against anyone.

It was well published long ago that Gen Miller Gitmoized the Iraqi prisions. Back then I only suspected three. Bagram air base was on the list. Also Saddam International was suspected. This based upon leaked International Red Cross information. Of course General Miller was fully involved as was posted back on 8 May 2004 in a discussion in Current Events.

What is also well known is the White House pressure specifically on Military investigators to quash further investigations. We already know that many Executive Branch spokesman have been preaching an end to this investigation. It is just not known who in JAG is being pressured to stop further investigation and how many carrers on now on the line for continuing the investigations. Don't fool yourself. This has all the markings on involvement by administration people.

Last edited by tw; 05-29-2004 at 10:31 PM.
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