Thread: CPAP machines
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Old 02-24-2019, 05:35 AM   #10
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
My wife started using a ResMed C-PAP with a humidifier about 6 months ago.

The pressure needed modification and it took some adjustment but
it's working well now. Not perfectly but working well.

The use of this machine has dramatically improved the sleep quality of
everyone in this house. The snoring was...irritating to say the least.

Before the C-PAP when we would overnight at a relative's house, the kids would cry knowing that the snore monster was going to keep them up.

Some of the kids would also imitate the snore with some exaggeration.

It was a lifelong embarrassment for my wife.

The unit is small enough to carry anywhere we go now.

It has been a very big improvement for us.

But it takes a bit of adjustment in the beginning.

Hope you find it as helpful as we have.
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