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Old 12-24-2018, 07:23 PM   #500
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The Godfather Don is smarter than all Generals. So he just finished firing them all.

The Don said Mexico will pay for a wall. Anyone here who did not post nasty comment about that scumbag must love him. So The Don knows he can get Americans to pay for the wall. He knows people so dumb as to not call him what he is will also forget that The Don said Mexico will pay for a wall.

And so The Don does harm to the American government - all over his wall of penis sticks.

Both presidents who were business school graduates created economic downturns and recessions that could become great depressions. We know how close in 2007 we came to making Hoover's 1029 mistake. Under George Jr, the stock market went down constantly. It only took The Don two years to do same.

Of course, anyone who learned basic economics knows a tax cut causes a short term economic increase followed by a recission. But we did not even get benefits from The Don's tax cuts for the rich. Those should appear in 2019. But we are already starting a recession. Least patriotic Americans (Trump supporter) will say anything to deny it.

Many friends who only voted Republican their entire life (graduates of Harvard Law, Duke Law, Harvard Business, etc) all (every one) voted against Trump. They all knew how dumb, stupid, and destructive this fool could be. Now the less informed can appreciate what they voted for.

Last surviving general was the first Sec of Defense to write a resignation letter criticizing his boss. So Trump fired him immediately.

The guy who has held together an allied coalition in Syria just resigned effective immediately. He did not even give two weeks notice. The reason also obvious - a dumb president who is loved even by Nazis, White Supremacists, and KKK.

No problem. We know The Don is now doing what Hitler did during WWII. Hitler also said he was smarter than his generals. Hitler also overrode his Generals orders to create events such as Stalingrad. Trump, like Hitler, is now making more decisions since he, too, is smarter. And only surrounds himself with 'yes men'.

Anyone notice what Trump has encouraged in Ukraine? The Russians appear to be moving militarily on Ukrainian ports on the Sea of Avov. Since Putin is playing chess against an American buffoon.

Even North Korea appears to be building launch silos for atomic intercontinental missiles. All while The Don insists he solved that problem. American intelligence agencies are saying something different.

No problem. The Don is fully supported by extremists in the Cellar. So everything must be good.

Don't worry. Be happy.
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