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Old 11-30-2018, 09:07 PM   #11099
Goon Squad Leader
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yes to all above comments.

We're going tomorrow to where she lived, mostly to be close to my brother in law, A, and his family. I've only met one of my nephews, there's bound to be loads more of them for this event. Y's actual memorial service is Sunday. It'll be nice. I'm very close with A, I'm looking forward to meeting his family, despite the cause for the gathering.

I've felt a weight all week... sharing a burden makes it lighter, sharing with you, sharing with family. Thanks for sharing my burden. My Mom won't be traveling to the service--her choice. Traveling for her is an ordeal. I took her to see Y the week before while she was still capable of sitting up on the side of her hospital bed. That was good.

Someone suggested to me today, "sorry if this is premature..." (no, go ahead) "One way to process this, and other big changes, is to think about what this change now makes possible that wasn't possible before." I know it was offered in support and friendship, that's good. I'm thinking... It'll be ok.

If any of you are interested, send me a PM and I'll reply with a link to her obituary from her local paper.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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