Thread: Camping
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Old 11-05-2018, 07:38 PM   #433
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Location: Raleigh, NC
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I've made the food pics into collages for easier viewing. The first night, I got there late, so I just had some soup. It wasn't exciting, so I didn't take a picture. It was even missing chicken because I was smart and brought the canned chicken that needed a can opener.

The next day, it was supposed to rain. I wanted to make sure that I got to use my hot dog fork, so that's what I had for breakfast

I also successfully cooked a potato! Remember last time it got all burned?? I'm learning.
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Before lunch, I decided to experiment with some small loaf pans I got at the grocery store. Potatoes and eggs. I thought it would be a neat thing to make breakfast in a loaf pan. Unfortunately, I over cooked it slightly. It still needs some tweaking. The potatoes on the other hand, were great! Such a lovely crust on the bottom
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For my actual lunch meal, I had some of the potatoes, steak, and frozen cauliflower. That, too, needs some tweaking. The coals under it were too hot or I left it too long. Still, I enjoyed it. The steak was slightly underdone for me, but still good. Luckily, it was still in my tasty range. Do you see the crust on the taters? It's a little over because I "reheated" them on some coals before lunch
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This next one was an experiment I was eager to try - mashed potatoes, chicken gravy, and chicken (of course). I used instant mashed potatoes with powdered milk. I think it worked out ok. It might have been better with something other than non-fat milk. It looks a little grey. I also used butter buds, but I don't think I added enough, I couldn't taste anything buttery at all. I added the dry ingredients to my insulated jar, poured in boiling water, closed it, and let it sit. Next, I heated up the chicken I cooked earlier (a little well done). The gravy mix said to mix it with cold water, so I used the dry potato jar to do that. I boiled some more water and added that to finish it. The potatoes were still hot in the jar, add some chicken, and gravy on top. This would have been better without the burned chicken, but I think it was an over all successful experiment
Name:  Chicken.jpg
Views: 241
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