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Old 07-26-2018, 07:10 PM   #6
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Today, kids taken from refugees (most seeking political asylum) are suppose to be reunited with their parents. Problem. Parents for some 450 kids are no longer in the US - many having been deported without their children.

This, in part, because extremists wanted to execute a program justified by their political biases; without any thought to intelligence or decency. These same types also loved Guantanamo and openly said Gestapo style torture is good.

They do not know where parent for most of the 450 kids are located. Being wacko extremists, they could not bother to keep track of what kids belong to what parents. And where those parents were located. They were interested in what the penis of The Don told them to do. Screw others.
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