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Old 07-06-2018, 09:19 AM   #14
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
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On Tuesday, all under 5 children must be returned to their parents. HHS has no record of whom some of those children belong. Constant questions asked by honest reporters keep resulting in "We cannot say" replies from HHS.

HHS had to do what even HHS knew would be a problem. The president did not let them even setup procedures. So imprisoned kids were even sleeping on concrete floors. No time or effort could be implemented to record where those kids were and who their parents were. HHS openly admits they do not know if those children arrived with their parents.

One lady, some time ago, got her child back after 85 days. Child was in the same cloths worn on the day he was taken. And those clothes were full of dirt. Yes dirt. She believes the kid was not bathed for 85 days.

HHS says they do not know if the child was held in an HHS facility or in a private contractor site. But the kid was stored in a town that only had an HHS facility.

Of course Trump says this is good. They were criminals (probably MS13) trying to kill us all. His statements have actually increased his popularity among extremists. Extremists say illegal immigrants have no rights - even for bathing.
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