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Old 12-15-2017, 11:48 AM   #6
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
The Philly Inquirer was just depressing stuff like hate and crooked politicians and war.
If you emotions are relevant, then you are still a child. Adults need facts and do not let their emotions rule them.

We massacred 50,000 Americans in Vietnam for no purpose because so many adults were emotional - and then foolishly believed a president who was a crook. They even blamed the victims and all other students at Kent State for a massacre created by corrupt Ohio National Guard soldiers. A classic murder justified by emotional adults. An example of how hate rules so many adults who are still children.

Adults never let emotions (fear of or love of) rule. Children do. Adults learn irregardless of their emotions.

Local paper is useless if it does not report upcoming events. Until recently, most local papers never did. For example, a paper must list time and location for every 4th of July fireworks. None around here did. Local paper must report the results of the investigation of every car crash and murder. Still most don't. Those would be relevant facts. Most local papers only want to hype emotion of the crash or murder. And cannot be bothered a month later to report what really happened, why, and details of that trial or scientific study. Emotional adults (their target audience) don't care about facts.
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