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Sun_Sparkz 10-27-2005 10:39 PM

Its getting hotter here and the 40degree celcius plus heat is bringing the flies in droves to my house. Our house is the only standing in structure in a radius of about 5km so they all come to lay in the shade of my verandah and eat the leftover cat and guini pig food!

I am getting really fed up with the constant drone of "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" outside the back door. It also doesnt help that my Goat has free reign of the houseyard and poops whereever she likes... and believe me.. she pops alot!!

So my question is this: does anyone know any good ideas for fly traps?

Ive seen some people put a mixture of stinky stuff in plastic bottles and hang them on trees to attract the flies (and i believe fruit flies too) so they fly in and can't get out, or they drown in the alluring mixture.

I need a cheap, pet friendly and preferably not too stinky solution.. i know i cant kill them all, but at least attract them AWAY from the house.


zippyt 10-27-2005 10:54 PM

as weird as it may sound a clear bag of water ,
like a 1/2 gallon ziploc bags of water hung about 20 ft apart ,
and to keep the yellow jackets away draw a thick red line across the baggie ,
i know this sounds weird , and I can't explain WHY it works but in VERRRRRRY stinky and nasty places I have seen this simple thing workwounders ,
not an absolute but it DEFFENTLY cuts down on the flying critter population .

Sun_Sparkz 10-27-2005 10:57 PM

so do you leave the bag open at the top? is the idea that they stay away from it, or they fly into it?

Your right.. it does sound weird.. but i'll try anything!

zippyt 10-27-2005 11:04 PM

you leaeve the bag open , they avoid it , weird i know but it is cheap enough to give it a try ,

Or you could get a bug zapper , hang it up , plug it in , and sit back with a cold one for some redneck entertainment !!!

NovemberRain 10-27-2005 11:05 PM

Same thing happened here today. I cranked up the air conditioner and killed them off.

Sun_Sparkz 10-27-2005 11:10 PM

us country hicks dont have air conditioning!

bug zappers are expensive here.. about $70 each, and i would need more than one. Also i think the zip, zip, zip would drive me nuts.

NovemberRain 10-27-2005 11:13 PM

The zapper couldn't be any more annoying than the flies buzzing around your head, walking on you with their tickly little feet, and trying to get into your eyes, could it?

Sun_Sparkz 10-27-2005 11:16 PM

haha true! They are just so grosse, We never had them on the coast like this.

i feel most sorry for my animals... they cant swat them away like we can, or go inside and escape them. Also i have to eat inside now.. i prefer to BBQ and eat on the deck.. but i cant do that anymore either.

Clodfobble 10-27-2005 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt
you leaeve the bag open , they avoid it , weird i know but it is cheap enough to give it a try ,

I've seen the hanging clear bag of water trick used many, many times, and I can attest that it works. However, I've always seen the bags closed--that's how you hang it, you tie it off at the top and wrap the string or whatever around the knot in the bag. Someone once told me that it plays a trick of the light on the bugs' eyes somehow, and that's why they avoid them.

NovemberRain 10-27-2005 11:26 PM

Cooking indoors didn't help me today either. I smoked the place up frying chicken and had to open the door to let the smoke out. I figured fly season was over. Boy was I wrong.

feesh13 10-27-2005 11:28 PM

Its getting cold here so they are finally going away.

Bug zappers are fun as are the electric fly swatters. We broke down and used those curly fly tape things this summer. They are cheap and work well just kind gross to look at and don't hang them where you can hit your head.

zippyt 10-27-2005 11:36 PM

I've seen the hanging clear bag of water trick used many, many times, and I can attest that it works. However, I've always seen the bags closed--that's how you hang it, you tie it off at the top and wrap the string or whatever around the knot in the bag. Someone once told me that it plays a trick of the light on the bugs' eyes somehow, and that's why they avoid them.

Open , closed , schlmeal , schmozel , If it works it works .

wolf 10-28-2005 12:31 AM

Very scary chemicals. That's what you need for the flies.

Of course, you're probably talking really big, evil horseflies. They bathe in scary chemicals. They are probably the result of scary chemicals, and any additional application of scary chemicals will only make them larger and more aggressive, and then you'll need Peter Graves to come to your rescue with a recording of their mating call and a fleet of boats equipped with really large stereo speakers ...

Cyclefrance 10-28-2005 06:16 AM

You need my friend Colin - he attracts flies....

barefoot serpent 10-28-2005 10:07 AM

see the link below for making traps with tanglefoot (scroll down to the deer flies section).

We use plastic cups with a hole punched thru the bottom and hung upside down from trees.

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