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Happy Monkey 08-31-2005 06:34 PM

American Science Knowledge
National Science Foundation report (PDF)

Keep in mind that all but the last two questions have only two choices, so random guessing would give 50%.

BigV 08-31-2005 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
National Science Foundation report (PDF)

Keep in mind that all but the last two questions have only two choices, so random guessing would give 50%.

Here's a question for you:

Which is sadder:

A -- National Science Foundation report (PDF)


B -- A picture of the flooding in New Orleans

Oooh. Toughie. I think I'm gonna have to go with A.

LabRat 09-01-2005 09:34 AM

This page has moved
or no longer exists on this server.

Happy Monkey 09-01-2005 09:56 AM


Happy Monkey 09-01-2005 10:20 AM

OK, as it turns out, I had the file still open and minimized, so here are some highlights:

Order of info: Question / Answer/ Male / Female
Center of earth is hot / true / 85 / 76
All radioactivity is manmade / false / 81 / 71
We get oxygen from plants / true / 92 / 82
Father's gene determines sex of baby / true / 58 / 72
Lasers focus sound waves / false / 61 / 30
Electrons are smaller than atoms / true / 52 / 43
Antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteria / false / 46 / 55
Universe began with explosion / true / 43 / 24
Continents move / true / 83 / 74
Humans descend from earlier animals / true / 57 / 50
Cigarettes cause lung cancer / true / 94 / 93
Early humans lived with dinosaurs / false / 50 / 45
Radioactive milk can be made safe by boiling / false / 70 / 60
Which is faster, light or sound / light / 89 / 65
Does Earth go around Sun, or Sun around Earth / Earth around Sun / 86 / 66
How long does it take for Earth to go around Sun - day, month, or year / year / 66 / 42
What is DNA / ... / 47 / 44
What is a molecule / ... / 28 / 15

Kagen4o4 09-01-2005 07:35 PM

omg thats just pathetic
"How long does it take for Earth to go around Sun - day, month, or year / year / 66 / 42"
you kidding me? how can anyone get something like that wrong???

"Universe began with explosion / true / 43 / 24" still not PROVEN but is definately the most likely answer. id say its true but someone saying false technically cant be wrong.

marichiko 09-01-2005 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Kagen4o4

"Universe began with explosion / true / 43 / 24" still not PROVEN but is definately the most likely answer. id say its true but someone saying false technically cant be wrong.

Ah, hem...

As anyone who passed intelligent design 101 would know, the earth was created by Jehovah in 6 days without resorting to explosive devices of any sort.

You will burn in hell for eternity for your remarks, young man. :eyebrow:

lumberjim 09-01-2005 09:53 PM

SO.....the women AREN'T smarter?

what the?

Kagen4o4 09-01-2005 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim
SO.....the women AREN'T smarter?

what the?

when it comes to science....

....and sport....

...and pretty much anything that involves matter of any kind...

Iggy 09-02-2005 12:48 AM

They just weren't testing the right women.

xoxoxoBruce 09-02-2005 12:50 AM

You Mama's gonna slap you silly. :lol:

LabRat 09-02-2005 09:32 AM

Interesting. I wonder what the demographics were of the group tested. Likely adults, due to the ones that women did get right more than men were related to babymaking: father's determine sex of baby and antibiotics don't kill viruses. The antibiotic one is posted ALL OVER every pediatricians office, you don't have to pay attention in science class to get that one right. With the exception of the {bad} origin of the universe question, which is a theory and as yet hasn't been reproduced, it's really quite sad that the number of people getting these right wasn't in the 90s. I got them all right, but science has always been very interesting to me. If they were questions regarding politics or history, I probably would be down in the 60-70% right range. :dunce:

Ero 09-02-2005 10:00 AM

My best friend always claims he makes everything up and that everything only existed since he thought it up... But on the other hand; we're both kind of crazy so...

wolf 09-02-2005 10:25 AM

I sincerely hope they tested community college students, rather than the kids that got to go to the college of their choice. You know?

Iggy 09-02-2005 11:53 AM

I think I resent that... I would have gotten all of the answers right and I go to a community college (seeing as how it is cheaper than state colleges and I am paying my own way)

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