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cowhead 04-10-2005 02:46 AM

okay in the past few days I have been hit on by more than 5 19-20 year old girls... uh I'm 35 and I find this very disturbing.. mainly because they are very much more mature (duh physically) but mentally than they 'ought' to be... I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this trend/has children that are too mature for thier age etc. (and no, I went home. I may be kind of a bastard but, no... I won't do that.. then again perhaps I didn't drink enough?)

I don't want to get into the whole fast food/beef hormones angle (but I will)

sweet shit! they didn't make them like that when I was 19! (uh and that wou;d be 16 years ago?)

Clodfobble 04-10-2005 06:25 AM

Sure they did. But you didn't know any of them because they were busy hitting on the 35-year-olds. There are still plenty of 19-year-olds like the kind you knew, but they're nowhere near you now. :)

jaguar 04-10-2005 08:22 AM

Clodfobble's right, I know plenty of girls dating significantly older guys on a regular basis, in short, stop complaining!

russotto 04-11-2005 03:43 PM

If you didn't keep flashing your Mercedes key you wouldn't have this problem.


staceyv 04-11-2005 06:45 PM

women are usually more mature than men. At age 19-20, with you being 35, those girls would've been your perfect match. And why the hell would you pass them up? Every guy your age wants a 20 year old girlfriend, don't they?

mrnoodle 04-12-2005 12:26 PM

I get the same problem, cowhead. But i have 'issues' that mess it up for me. i.e., i'm not sure if they know how old i am, or if they see me as 'uncle' more than potential fling. both have happened in the past.

Plus, the 19 year olds i know have the maturity level of an infant. That means we get along great on a superficial social level, but when i think about longer-term relationships, the idea of having to wait for a woman to grow the fuck up already isn't very appealing. (to be fair, they're probably thinking the same thing)

OnyxCougar 04-14-2005 10:43 AM

well, it depends on your outlook. they probably aren't thinking of a long term relationship, probably more like being wined, dined, sixtynined and bought pretty presents after.

so if your morals permit, hit that shit.

lookout123 04-14-2005 01:49 PM

the only difference between when you were 19 and now, is you don't get desperately stupid and jumpy around attractive women of that age. therefore you are now eligible to attract women of that age.

well that and it is now more socially acceptable for young women to openly sportfuck than it was once upon a time.

SteveDallas 04-14-2005 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by cowhead
sweet shit! they didn't make them like that when I was 19! (uh and that wou;d be 16 years ago?)

Well for one thing, they weren't DRESSING (or, shall we say, not dressing) like they do now in the late 80s. (I'm the same age you are.)

Lookout is right, we're just more confident and self-assured now. (Or, if you're like me, 15 years of playing different roles as Shakespeare said have simply given you greater skill at looking like you know what you're doing.)

My suggestion is, depending on your current attachment status and moral qualms or lack thereof, either a) go for it, b) enjoy the innocent (cough) flirtation, or at a minimum, c) enjoy the view.

breakingnews 04-14-2005 02:04 PM

I used to be really attracted to older women. I still am, but at my ripe age of 24, I've been noticing the younger ones a lot more lately. I have a 20-year-old family friend staying with me for a couple weeks this summer - I almost fell over when I met some of the friends who will be with her in NYC this summer.

chainsaw 04-14-2005 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by OnyxCougar
so if your morals permit, hit that shit.

Why did that make me think of Johnny Cochran?

cowhead 05-06-2005 02:36 AM

that's the thing though, I've done my time with the sleeping with 'young' girls though.. no I'm not bragging.. it's just that I find myself in a position where finding someone close to my age and settling the fuck down sounds really really good, yeah I know by saing that I have doomed myself :) but that's what I want... and to the best of my knowledge not every guy wants a 20 year old girlfriend.. the thing is where as they are fun and all there is precious little more to it than that. (and besides! I want a woman who knows what she wants (on a number of levels) as I don't really feel like teaching someone new what they want.. yeah I am a selfish bastard like that) the thing is I think I may have found the right person, but of course her life is a mess right now.. so being friends is all I can ask at the moment.. which is fine 'cuz she is really alot of fun to hang out with... but I have to keep hoping that it pans out... and yes.. I know one shouldn't base ones life or happiness on another person.. but for crying out loud! I've been waiting for this one for a long damn time.

cowhead 05-06-2005 02:38 AM

oh that's the other thing.. I do enjoy the view as it were, and the flirtation.. it's just that I want someone I think is (and this will sound bad, and rest assumred I don't quite mean it like this) worth my time and trouble *ducking*, someone who I can respect and view as an equal.

Sun_Sparkz 05-23-2005 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by cowhead
oh that's the other thing.. I do enjoy the view as it were, and the flirtation.. it's just that I want someone I think is (and this will sound bad, and rest assumred I don't quite mean it like this) worth my time and trouble *ducking*, someone who I can respect and view as an equal.

Well then i dont think you need to find someone of the same age then.. sounds like you want to find someone on the same level of intellect and stage of life as you.. 50 year old women can be just as fucked up and immature as we 21 year olds you know!!

Catwoman 05-23-2005 10:03 AM

cowhead, good luck, let me know if it works out, so I know if it's possible to wait long enough for the one you want ;)

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